About Jähnke Consulting

Sales & Marketing Excellence in Healthcare


Jähnke Consulting is a specialized healthcare consultancy with main focus on sales & marketing excellence and best practices. Our mission is to help our clients – manufacturers, distributors and associations - to constantly improve the performance of their customer management and to implemente effective marketing strategies and processes.



Our Core Solutions


• Customer Relationship Management, Patient Relationship Management
• Market / Marketing Strategies
• Strategic and operational Marketing, Sales and Service Management
• Marketing and Sales Efficiency, Business Process Optimization
• Business Development, Service Innovation, Launch Excellence
• Workshops on Strategy and Business Innovation
• Project Management
• Data Protection and IT-Security

The founder of Jähnke Consulting, Klaus Jähnke, works together with a core team of experienced consultants to enable our client companies to react successfully to the permanently increasing needs of the healthcare market and to improve their competitiveness. Each of our consultants has extensive management experience in top international companies. Therefore we are also available – if requested – for the practical implementation of our proposals as Project Managers.


Moreover Jähnke Consulting is working together with network partners in order to cover additional requirements for specialized consultancy services from our clients.



Core Team


Klaus Jähnke, Owner and Executive Director
Your personal contact partner


Klaus Jähnke has more than 25 years’ experience of work and consultancy in the healthcare market. He pairs practical experience with solid theoretical knowledge.


After earning his university degree in Business Administration (MBA) he had a successful career as Marketing Manager, Sales Manager and Business Development Manager in renowned international healthcare companies. As an independent management consultant he has undergone advanced specialist training and collaborated with international consulting firms. In 1997 he founded Jähnke Consulting.


All of this ensures that his consultancy not only benefits from a high degree of specialist expertise but is also practically relevant. He has implemented a large number of different projects and thus has penetrating insight into the healthcare market and the current trends within it, as well as the tasks and needs of its participants.



Wolfgang A. Jähnke
Advisory Consultant for Company Management & Sales Management


Wolfgang A. Jähnke has more than 30 years experience in company management with an emphasis in sales. Based on his long standing experience in managing companies of various sectors and sizes, nationally and internationally, he works together with Jähnke Consulting in the areas of market-oriented business management, sales management and customer management.


He supports our client companies on their way to achieving market and customer orientation and higher market success. Wolfgang A. Jähnke is renowned for his ability to translate company and project strategy into clear and concrete implementation steps for both consultancy and client staff.



Sabine Neumann
Advisory Consultant for IT Management, Data Protection & IT Security


Sabine Neumann is an experienced IT consultant and holds degrees in both Information Technology and Business Administration. She supports Jähnke Consulting in the area of IT architecture and technology, IT and business process optimization as well as data protection and IT security.

As an independent IT consultant, cooperating with SAP consulting companies, and as an IT organizer in major enterprises she has a wide-ranging experience in how IT can support effectively business processes and has overseen multiple IT implementation projects.


With deep insight in the IT as well as in the business side, with hands-on and positive thinking, she helps to integrate business processes into IT solutions, such as, for example, the CRM technology.



Why Clients work with us?


• We generate success for our clients through a joint synergy
• We help to create innovative and value-added solutions fast
• We develop clear and pragmatic solutions together with our clients
• We put our clients’ projects in place efficiently and effectively.



Did we catch your attention? Please contact us! 


Company address


Jähnke Consulting

Klaus Jähnke

Husarenstraße 45

41836 Hückelhoven



Phone: 0049 - 2433 - 526874

Fax:     0049 - 2433 - 526875

Email:  klaus.jaehnke@jaehnke-consulting.de